Friday, November 14, 2008

Christmas lights, check!

Wednesday night, the Bay was filled with an eerie sense of emptiness. A huge Christmas tree had been erected near the Millennium Centre, and I stared at it in silence for quite a few minutes. It was November 12: still more than a month before Christmas!
Someone gave me a head's up that the rest of the city's lights would be turned on that night, so I met a friend in the city centre. People flurried to one of several hot spots. There was a giant Christmas tree in close proximity to a Santa booth and a carousel. There was also a Ferris wheel next to a stage with a giant puppet show hosted by CBeebies (BBC for kids). The stars of local hit TV show Gavin and Stacey helped turn on the city's Christmas lights.
Fireworks went off and a mass of little kids on big kids' shoulders looked on in amazement.
After people began dispersing (read: after I was no longer elbowed, poked, prodded and stepped on), my friend and I made our way to a delicious-smelling donut booth. While we waited in line, I noticed the next booth over was a British burger and fry booth.
This is ironic because Brits don't call fries "fries"; they're "chips" here.
The donuts were better than any I've had in the States: softly crispy and slightly greasy on the outside, but still gooey on the inside, and not too sweet all around.
St. Mary's Street had the biggest light display; I felt as if I had entered a Christmas Wonderland the second I stepped on to it.
I practically waltzed home, entranced by the magic of the night and the mystery of the moon.

1 comment:

Ike said...

Ahh...I want Christmas. As you can guess, Christmas isn't so big here in Japan. Sure there are a few Christmas lights and trees around, and the shops play Christmas music, but it's not the same. I can't wait to get back home in time for it. Hope you are doing well.